Thursday, May 10, 2007

Syndie Mash-Up 2

(Click for full size strip)

Funky Winkerbean and For Better or For Worse are both again dealing with aging and death. They've clearly overstayed their welcome on the syndicated pages by running way too long with so little relevence to the form or the content, and now they're coddling their elderly demographic. It's tough for me to say harsh things toward Batuik in particular, since he's a Buckeye, too.

At least when Brinkerhoff deals with tough issues, he does it with some humor. If Johnston and Batuik wanted to go melodramatic, they should've adapted their cartooning style to match it. Being artistic about it, at least, right? Rex Morgan doesn't look big-eyed and cartoony.

One of the dealers I met at the Emerald City Comicon told me that liked Brinkerhoff because it's drawn funny and written funny. He really made me think about that combination. He was referencing comics that are drawn funny, but completely miscue on the joke. How often, though, are you drawn into a comic whos art makes you ready for a joke, but you get drama, instead? Funky and For Better used to be funny. Now they just feel misplaced.


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