Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Technical issues

If you've been to the website on Tuesday, April 3, and Wednesday, April 4, and wondered where the new strips are, I don't blame you. I'm hosted on a service called Comic Genesis which hosts the siet for free, as long as I keep their ad banner at the top of the page. The advantage is that the updater is all set up and automated so I can post strips in advance and it'll update it and maintain the archives without me having to worry about it. The disadvantage is that the system hiccups every once in a while and gets backed-up. I can't do anything from my end to get it to work correctly, but neither can anyone else that's hosted here, either. It sucks, especially since I just got back from the Emerald City Comicon and all the new friends and fans probably think I'm slacking. The truth is, I've never missed an update, and I'm not about to start now. Technical issues be dammed, here's the strips that are missing from the main site (Click to make 'em bigger):

Hopefully they'll get things fixed so I won't have to mirror more than these two.


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