Friday, March 30, 2007

ECC Con Report: Preview

From Booth #141 in Artist's Alley, I'll be peddling my wares, shaking hands, and who knows what else?

We went in to get our table assignment and set as much up as I was comfortable doing. Most everything got stored below until tomorrow morning, but I brought all of the "merchandise" (comic, stickers, books) home with us. I just didn't feel comfortable setting out the stuff I came to sell. It isn't much compared to those huge dealer booths, but it's all I came with, and it'll be a fast set-up come Saturday A.M., anyway. Kelly and her Mom came down to help out, so we checked out some of our favorite Pike Street haunts beforehand.

Being in there was pretty cool as things were coming together. I'm a behind-the-scenes kind of guy, anyway, so I dug getting a lay of the land before the masses sweep in. It was cool to be able to see where everyone was set to be at. For instance, I found it funny that Chewbacca and Lois Lane will be sharing a table. Margot (Ms. Kidder?) will only be with us for one day, though. That's got to be sad for the fans...


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