Monday, March 12, 2007

A banner day

The excitement is startng to build for my first forray into the world of comic conventions. The big comic order on the way, as are the stickers and a few other things.

But, ohhhh the banner. It was finished last week and I can say without hyperbooe that it's one of the coolest things I've seen in the entirety of my existance. The sight of my cartoon character printed 2 feet high with his name as long as a newborn elephant made me joyous in bizarre, unexplained ways. I was beaming like a new father at this vinyl monstrosity. It was ready on the same day as the delivery of the proof copy of the comic book, but somehow stole the headlines in my heart. It adds some weird sense of legitimacy to this big, stupid project. It looks, what's the word? Official.

The Emerald City Con might be my first and last comic convention I ever attend, but the banner will live on. As I move forward in time, spending my nights pounding on the keys and churning out future Brinkerhoff stories, he will be looking down upon me. His gaze will be fixed: scowling, disapproving, and passive all at once.

How friggen' cool is that?


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