Wednesday, February 21, 2007

#300 !?!? Yowza!

Yeah, so this is only slightly cool for me. When I started Brinkerhoff I didn't know how long it could last. But then he found an audience quicker than I thought. He found noteriety pretty darn quick, as well. I'm not going to blow smoke up your butts by saying I do it for the fans. That's just not true. I do this because I like to do it. It's fun. It's cathartic. It's something I haven't seen before. It's unique.
I do appreciate everyone that checks in and reads, though. Don't get me wrong. The feedback has been tremendous, and at times inspiring. I've got more stuff planned for the future of Brinkerhoff, so keep on coming back for more.


Joseph Remy said...

Congratulations on #300! I've been really enjoying the comic!

February 22, 2007 4:39 AM  
Anonymous said...

You started this just about the time I got divorced after 22 years of marriage. It has been cathartic for me too.

By the way, you forgot "2 legged wallets" in Brinks tirade about women. Or in Brink's case, "4 legged wallet."

February 23, 2007 4:25 AM  

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