Friday, March 23, 2007

Feelin' Good on a Good Lookin' Friday

3 years ago I was at my worst. Life was at a complete standstill. I was in a marriage that was going nowhere but apart. We both knew it. I was just the one with the gumption enough to call it like it was. It was seven years without growth, without progressive changes, without inspiration.

Flash forward to today and I'm a completely different person. I've got a new job. A new love. A dog. A new life. I've got a comic that fills my hobby time with twisted levels of pure joy. My freelance opportunities are starting to pick up again, including something pretty cool for one of the major networks. (Here's a hint: It's got a "C" in it's name.)

If I were a religious man, I'd be handing over a lot of thanks to a deity right now. As it is, I'm very appreciative of the luck I've made for myself. I've learned that you can't just sit idly by and wait for good things to happen. You have to go out and discover, and even invent. Tons of bad stuff might happen, but that's the stuff you'll learn from and then forget. The good stuff will stick with you. That's the stuff you keep.

If Brinkerhoff goes nowhere, I'll be okay with that. I'm no longer the kind of guy that will continue beating something into the ground without any payoff. I do have a deadline for it, based on a lot of criteria, but all of that will be evaluated when that time comes. For now, I just keep making myself laugh and feel glad that I can do the same for others, as well.

I'm inspired every day. It doesn't come easily all the time, but it's there. I used to have to prod for it, but now it just... happens.

Sometimes I wonder if my life is interesting enough to be made into a book or a movie or a movie based on a book, or adapted from a screenplay, or maybe an informational brochure. I think it might. I just have to come up with the right ending.


Matt said...

You deserve to know that Brink is awesome, at least awesome enough to help a random stranger who's having a hard time of his life at the moment. If I wasn't very recently out of work I'd probably be investing in some Brink stuff.

Discovering a comic like Brink at this point in my life is kind of like being in the middle of a hailstorm coming down on you when you realize that your jackass neighbor with the yappy dog left his H2 outside.

May 8, 2007 3:02 PM  

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