Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Rage. Rrrawrr.

A little dose of reality today, if you don't mind…

I'm dealing with some rage issues right now.

I don't know when it started, but I'd like it to go away. It's crimping my style. It's hurting my personal and professional relationships at exactly the wrong time. There are several factors that could be factored in the growth of this constantly agitated state, but I'm not one to make excuses. I'm just looking for answers.

Likely culprits:
• I've been a professional graphic designer for 11 years. When I graduated college I had the world on a string and I thought I could really make my mark. Now I'm older and mired in a reality-based quagmire. It's gotten really boring for me. The technology has advanced, but I just don't have the inspiration I used to. Everyday seems to be the same slog. Perhaps it's because I live in a town of little inspiration that doesn't want to pay us what we're worth. A career change hasn't been ruled out.

• Home improvement projects are all fun and rainbows until someone gets their fingers sliced through with a storm window. They're healing now, but my will is slower to recover. I usually like to pace myself a little more, and putting too much on the plate at one time just ends up getting frustrating. I can't wait to get the new kitchen done and it won't even get started for another month.

• I spent 5 1/2 years giving my improvisational comedy heart to ComedySportz Spokane and now it's not only gone, but I'm growing tired of some folks are peeing on the ashes. You wanna' see how a happy, positive, fun place can get blown up? There's People's Exhibit "A", right there.

• Brinkerhoff is fun to do, but I sure wish more people were reading it and buying stuff.

• And, oh yeah, I'm GETTING MARRIED at the end of this month. I'm again ready to share my life and half my stuff with another woman. I love her with all I've got, and my feet are plenty warm, but it's still marriage, y'all.

Whatever is happening to me has made my fuse short and my temper quick. I look forward to the wedding, because it will be at one of my favorite places, surrounded by friends and family, most of which I haven't seen in way too long. I've never needed a vacation like I need this vacation.

Happiness to you and yours!


Anonymous said...

You went to CCAD? Nice! I was in the continuing education program in middle school. Are you a Columbus guy too?

May 9, 2007 12:47 PM  

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