Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Seriously, now...

I've realized that if I want this blog to work, I just have to seriously sit down and do it. Writing doesn't happen without a writer, and I've been putting this thing off for too long. I've been busy, but that can be anyone's excuse, and I'm no fan of excuses.

Things are happening in my life that I can cover. For example:
My fiancé and I are working on replacing the windows in our house with shiny new vinyl ones. It's been quite the learning experience, especially when a storm window crashed across my left hand last weekend and left me with 10 stitches spread across two knuckles. "Flap laceration" has such a pretty ring to it, doesn't it? Every time I show the carnage wrapped in gauze it looks like I'm flipping the bird with a pinky. Is that verboten in the homosexual community? I wonder. No, I don't.

The most important lessons we're learning have to do with working together on these major projects. There's been disagreements. There's been frustration. As we're nearing the end of this particular phase, though, it's good to see that progress heals any of the superficial emotional wounds. It's microcosmic of the way our relationship has matured, in fact. The bumps we've faced have been smoothed-out when we realize we don't want to be mad at each other because we generally like one another. It's quite a novel concept when you consider where we came from in our lives before our union.

Reading between the lines, you probably also noticed that I'm engaged. I have been for a little while now. We're set to get married at the end May during a fun family trip to Cedar Point. She was worried wheather or not I should tell Brinkerhoff fans that I'll soon be married again, but I don't think it'll be an issue with you guys. She's a fan of the strip, and Brinkerhoff isn't changing any of his attitudes any time soon, so Brink will still be Brink, no matter what's going on with me behind the scenes. Soon he'll be less known for the rabbit that got a divorce and more for the fact that he's a cute little bunny that puts both birds in the air.

Neither will probably be accompanied by a pinky, though.


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