Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lots Goin' On

Lots to cover, here, so let's start with the most recent developments.

1. Unemployment 2: Electric Boogaloo
Yes, the rumors are true. The economy has come to roost, here at Brinkerhoff central. I am officially a free agent, having been let go by my regular full-time job. But don't cry for me Arkansas, I plan on making plenty of lemonade with these here lemons. I'm not taking this unemployment thing laying down. I've decided, instead, to kick start my freelancing business that had been a side project to this point. I'm hard at work behind the scenes getting that all set up and accepting new clients.

2. Another Pocket Full of Brink
Brinkerhoff in print continues with the latest Pocket Full of Brink. It's the third volume in the series that's a must-have for anyone who loves cute little bunnies. Your bookshelf will love you for it. And anyone who isn't respected by their bookshelf is no friend of mine. Someday I should make a suit entirely covered in pockets from neck to ankle so fans could be completely literate in the ways of Brink and completely bullet-proof (assuming the bullets are made of paper.) That's right. Brinkerhoff could save your life, someday! (Not a guarantee.)

3. Who's Your Daddy? Me.
I'm scheduled to be an actual father roughly 4 months from now. The one thing I keep hearing from people is how much my life will change and how all my priorities will realign. With that in mind, I wanted to prepare Brinkerhoff readers for the change in tone the comic will obviously take. Don't be surprised when storylines and characters adapt to the new outlook I'll have on life, love, work, play, and fatherhood. I don't want to give too much away, but suffice to say I think was just precious when Jeffy told Dolly that his favorite dinner was spaghetti and meatBULBS!

More later.....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chad and Oscar are at it again...

Big O and Dukes interviewed me on their show on 106.7 WJFK.
Click here to take a listen.