Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Attention Wrestling Fans!

I used to be deep into wrestling during the late 90’s and early 2000’s, but lack of time and cable have resulted in me falling off for the last couple of years. My wife surprised me with tickets to an upcoming Raw and I’d kinda’ like to get caught up on what’s been going on. Who's still around? Who's injured? Where's the rivalries? What are the current story lines? I wanna' mark out with the rest of you, but I'm craving updated info.

If there’s some WWE fans out there who can help bring me up to speed on the skinny from the last 2-3 years, I’d be grateful. You can hit me up by replying to this post below, or dropping me an email through the link above.



Blogger Audrey said...

OMG...there is just so much...I've really only been watching for the last maybe 2 years now. And I watch all 3 thing wouold be to maybe just go to the site. Cena is Champion, Chris Jericho is still around and he's a major heel right now...Randy Orton is going crazy and right now is battling with the McMahon's...all of em...he kicked Vince in the head, and he's beat up Shane and threatened Stephanie...Undertaker is still around, so is Kane...JBL's a prick...Shawn Michaels is still around...they even brought back golddust...seriously...I would look's a lot to put in a comment here. :) Good Luck adn Have fun! I get to go to a smackdown event in March...I'm stoked cos I'm a HUGE Jeff Hardy fan.

February 5, 2009 6:45 AM  
Blogger Audrey said...

This post has been removed by the author.

February 5, 2009 6:46 AM  
Anonymous Laparka said...

For discussion of the current product (including recaps) check:

Hope this helps too.

February 5, 2009 4:53 PM  

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