Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Terrible twos

As of this writing, Brinkerhoff has officially turned two years old. This little rabbit has cantankerously snowballed his way, 5 days-a-week, through one crappy situation after another. It's been a fun ride and represents one of the most fun hobbies I've ever had. Unfortunately, that's what it really is: a hobby. Events in my real life have recently forced me to refocus where I spend the limited hours I have in my day.

Long story short - after 524 strips, I have had to make the tough decision to cut back on regular Brinkerhoff weekly web production starting today. To be honest, if I was making more money from this venture, or was doing gangbusters traffic-wise, it would probably be a different story. I will continue Brinkerhoff on a limited basis online and in it's regular printed outlets, but the web updates will be sporadic. I apologize to all of my regular readers, and I really do appreciate your support and understanding, but this is just the way it'll have to be for a while. If you want to know when new stuff is posted, you can either check back at brinkcomic.com, subscribe to this blog, or get your RSS feed on. Until then, feel free to dig back into some archive goodness.

To be perfectly honest, for a long time I've wondered where Brinkerhoff really fits in in the grand scheme of things. He's obviously way too racy for syndication, he's too unconventional for comic books, and he really doesn't have that many peers in the webcomics community. Oftentimes I'm left trying to explain to people that it's not really a comic. It just looks like one.

Going forward, I've got some fun ideas about how Brink's future might pan out. Rest assured, you'll see him pop up sometime soon in some exciting possibilities. Thanks for reading.