Friday, November 30, 2007


Congratulations, reader! You're just stumbled upon Brinkerhoff's comic 501st strip. If you're a new reader, that means you can go back in the archives and enjoy 500 more episodes just like this one (albeit in a more 4-panel consistency).

Most comics celebrate a milestone when it hits a round number, but I wanted to buck tradition a bit and let the odometer roll over one as a promise toward the future. For this update I was more that ready to shake up Brinkerhoff's life a little, thus the 16-panel opus you see. Also, there's no way I was wasting a 16-panel strip on a Thursday.

Thanks to everyone that's dug Brinkerhoff's action so far. If you'd like to show any gracious appreciation, and get some holiday shopping done, feel free to click on some of the merch links.

See you next week, when I think I'll be a bit more retrospective.


KB said...

If only people knew how much love and hard work go into the creation of one's daily fix of Brinkerhoff. Congratulations genius. Your dedication is unsurpassed. Thanks for the laughs.

November 30, 2007 10:22 AM  

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