Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bummer x2

Yesterday wasn't the best day of my life.

First, I got this:

Dear Gabe,
My apologies for my tardy response. Thanks for giving Image Comics the opportunity to review your proposal. It's obvious that you've put a great deal of time and effort into this book - but I don't feel that it's quite strong enough to make it in this competitive market. I wish I could go on at length and give you a number of pointers to help you improve your book but I can't. We simply get too many proposals for me to be able to critique them all. The bottom line is that, unfortunately, your book isn't one that we're interested in publishing.
Thanks for your interest in Image Comics.

-Erik Larsen
Image Comics, Inc.

Bummer, huh?

I had just gotten done reading that, when I was called into a special meeting at work. I didn't feel too special when I left it because the end result was the end of my employment with them.

I'm still dealing with how I feel about that. Currently, it's a mix of disappointment and a strange sense of relief. If you feel like lending a hand as I float between jobs, feel free to start your holiday shopping with one of my books, shirts, or new calendar.

Thanks, and keep reading.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that your book wouldn't be good. I find you to be a refreshingly funny writer/cartoonist, what-ever-the-hell-you-are.

But hang in there....your talent will see you through.

October 27, 2007 8:27 AM  
Mr. Strine said...

Oh, the book is good. Trust me on that. Image just doesn't see the new market this character is creating.

October 27, 2007 10:32 AM  
sinisterdesign said...

[insert HANG IN THERE cat poster here]

screw publishers, what do they know?

love the comic, i'll keep reading & passing it on to friends...

October 31, 2007 7:34 AM  

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