Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Operation: Shout Out

Let's get some grassroots goin', shall we?
I call upon the Brinkerhoff faithful. If you enjoy reading this comic and want to see it grow in popularity, there are some little things you can do right now to do to help out.

[ The Setup: ]
I read a lot of fine comics and comic blogs on the web. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that a mere mention (or, better yet, link) to another comic can do wonders for said comic. Success on the web is all about word-of-mouth. Most of you probably got here through a link or a tiny little ad somewhere on another site you frequent, right? Also, the community of webcomics has been turning into a "who you know" situation. Brinkerhoff just needs to "get known".

I've sent communications and guest strips. I've sent greetings and compliments. I've bought books. I've advertised. All of these efforts have been for the genuine love of those works and my desire to help support their efforts. The problem is, I'm just one guy. One voice. One e-mail address. They know who I am. They've heard from me before.

[ Your Mission: ]
Click on the links below and just tell 'em that Brinkerhoff says "hi". Get clever. Have fun. Be nice. Spell check. You can put in whatever else you want, just keep it above the belt. We're looking for fame, not infamy. Brinkerhoff is just needs a shout out here and there. There are still so many readers that could be loving Brink as much as you do, they just gotta' hear about it.

Some of the suggestions you might encourage for this shout-out campaign include:
• a front page/blog link
• a newspost mention
• an addition to a link list
• a passing glance on a busy street
• the finger (of their choosing)

[ Important: ]
You hate it and so will they. We're looking for many voices from multiple addresses, not thousands from one. These are all great guys and I don't want this to turn into a dick move. We're just extending some greetings.

[ The List: ]
Please copy and paste the addresses, replacing the [at] with @. I didn't want to give links to the spam robots. Feel free to go off of this list, too. There's a bunch more out there that even I don't know about. (Kinda' gets back to my point, eh?)

• Scott Kurtz - PvP - kurtz[at]pvponline.com

• Jerry Holkins - Penny Arcade - tycho[at]penny-arcade.com

• Kris Straub - Starslip Crisis - kris[at]starslip.com

• Zach Miller - Joe and Monkey - squid[at]joeandmonkey.com

• Howard Taylor - Schlock Mercenary - howard.taylor[at]gmail.com

• Dave Kellet - Sheldon - dave[at]davekellet.com

• David Malki! - Wondermark - dave[at]wondermark.com

• Paul Southworth - Ugly Hill - pskl13[at]yahoo.com

• R. Stevens - Diesel Sweeties - clango[at]dieselsweeties.com

• Ryan North - Dinosaur Comics - ryan[at]qwantz.com

• James Turner - Beaver and Steve - james[at]eruditebaboon.uk

• Chris Onstad - Achewood - chris[at]achewood.com

• D.J. Coffman - Yirmumah! - yirmail[at]yirmumah.net

Good luck, and thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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March 31, 2010 11:50 AM  

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