Monday, July 9, 2007

Up, Down, All Around

No, your eyes aren't deceiving you. Brinkerhoff is still undergoing some server difficulties. ComicGenesis (where Brinkerhoff is hosted) is still migrating to their new server, so this is just the latest hiccup.

I'll try to sum up what's going on without confusing you or myself:
Apparently, the powers that be said that once the domains and content are sent over to the new hardware there was the possibility that some comics and content need to be reposted. I quickly composed myself with the addition of alcohol to innards when noticing the last week's worth of strips disappeared, so I sent those back into the cue. Unfortunately, that cue is now WAAAAY backed-up.
The good news is, at least you're able to see the page you're reading now, so that's better than it's been, right?

If you'd like to check out last week's strips (and today's, for that matter) click on the mirror site at Drunk Duck. As a matter of fact, you might want to bookmark it once you get there since even I don't know when this long national nightmare will be over. It's had to plan on anything cool with the site when you don't know if it'll be up.

Thanks again for your patience. Continue enjoying the funny.


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