Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Chris Benoit 1967-2007

What kind of demons would turn a hero into a monster. A killer. A corpse. I was a fan of Chris Benoit for most of his career. When I would get hassled by people about how "fake" wrestling was, I would always refer them to one of his matches. Around "the boys" he was quiet and reserved, a consummate professional. Somewhere behind the facade something was very, very wrong.

When I heard he and his family died this weekend I was floored. To know now that it's a possible double murder of his wife and seven year-old son and suicide... I just don't know what to think. He exemplified what professional wrestling could be at it's best. In some was he made it more respectable because you couldn't help but respect him. Now it's all different. Now it's all changed.

It's tough enough being a fan of professional wrestling. This will be chalked-up as another black eye on the business. History tells us it won't be the last. I just never thought it would come from Chris. None of us did.

My heart (what's left of it) goes out to everyone affected by this tragedy.


Anonymous said...

I agree Gabe. The news kickewd my ass too. Whuh.
PS Thanks for the comic. It has helped a lot with my own seperation.

June 26, 2007 9:13 PM  

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