Monday, July 23, 2007

Of Kitchens and Comics

Another productive weekend on the kitchen is behind us. Our deadline is next weekend and we're just about there. We were helped out by Kelly's mom who came over to visit from Seattle and got grout-tastic. Her dad came by to help get the crown moulding up and install the dishwasher. My mom and my brother, Connor, also came by to check-in and see how we were doing. On Sunday, we were revisited by Kelly's dad and step-mom for a follow-up pop-in, too. All of their help and well-wishes were extremely appreciated.
So now all we've got left is a bit more window moulding work, with accompanying touch-up, the repair and wall patching for the oven hood venting, floor moulding, cabinet moulding and finishing, and a bunch of other little things.

And oh, yeah, we're also hosting our wedding reception parties this weekend. Talk about cutting it close.

When we get done with this whole thing and get our house back together I think the last thing we'll want to do is be in that house for a while. The last 2 months have just been a tornado of activity. Exhaustion is a quaint roadside retreat in the rearview mirror. We both look forward to relaxing after this is all over.

I've been happy to be able to produce Brinkerhoff on a consistent basis through all of this, too. Maybe I'm more surprised than just happy. The process has been as scattered as the rooms in our house have been. Even worse was the month-long up-then-down-then-up again headaches of the server switch.
The best I've felt was when I was working 3 days ahead. I'm looking forward to getting back to my more comfortable 1-2 weeks ahead. I don't know why, but I feel more creative and connected to the comic with that kind of buffer. Additionally, I've got some extra Brinkerhoff projects that I'd like to finally get started on. Trust me - you'll like 'em.

Now I've got to back to work.


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