Friday, September 28, 2007

Bigger Than Jake

This was a fun little project that thankfully survived last year's hard drive crash. It was my first attempt at learning the ropes of Flash animation. It's nothing like Brinkerhoff or Bodinski or The Zoo, but I think you'll recognize my style of humor in it. Be warned - it's been called "cute".

The most fun I had with it was getting to work with my youngest brother, Connor, who's always been a big supporter of whatever I get into. Being a newly indoctrinated teenager, he's our link to what's cool and what sucks. He play's the voice of the title character "Jake". Even though puberty changed his voice since we finished this animation, I'll still find a way for him to be involved in future projects. After all, family will work for free!

Here's a fun bit o' history: Jake and his robot was one of the post-Zoo comic strip ideas I was batting around before I settled on Brinkerhoff. Oh, what could've been...


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