Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Getting a Wild Hare

Thanks to everyone who's downlaoded their first Wild Hare. If you've got a sec', drop me a line and let me know how ya' liked it. Thanks also to Digital Strips who did a nice little write-up about the premiere of the first Wild Hare.

There was a day when you could get a lot of things for just 25¢: a cup of coffee, a phone call, a vagrant to stop bugging you... These days the best you can do with your quarter is get a tartar sauce to go with your french fries.

Until now.

Put that 25¢ to good use and your own exclusive super-size Brinkerhoff comic strip. Today I'm introducing a new series of Brinkerhoff episodes called "Wild Hare". These comics are bonus uber-sized comic strips for uber-fans of Brinkerhoff. Basically they're ideas that I have that are too large to fit into the regular 4 panel daily strip or even to stretch out over a few strips. Sometimes they'll be offbeat. Sometimes they'll develop characters in the periphery of Brinkerhoff's world. It's a great way to get more Brinkerhoff and support the strip at the same time.

Each comic is a downloadable high resolution digital file that looks great in your favorite PDF viewer (Acrobat, Preview, etc.), or printed out for when you're away from your computer. (I've heard it's possible. Weird, huh?)

Start your Wild Hare collection with the first installment, "Stung" by visiting and look for more coming soon. I'll keep a listing of the episodes at the new Wild Hare section of


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