Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Rough in the Diamond...

First off, thanks to everyone who came out to buy up all the copies of the Brinkerhoff comic book in Spokane at The Comic Book Shop. It's very much appreciated. For those of you in the rest of the world, I'm still working on how I'll be making it available. Your patience will be awarded with awesomeness.

That lead-in kind of brings me to the purpose of this post.
Brinkerhoff has been steadily growing in popularity and notoriety and the next big steps are no longer on the horizon - they're in our laps. Just like any other cartoonist, I have dreams for my creation but progress isn't built on dreams alone. Now the legwork comes in. What does this all mean?

Let me back up... Late last year, you might've heard about Brinkerhoff being accepted by Viper comics. As we worked through the details of the contract, though, I found a few things that wouldn't quite mesh with my vision of where I wanted our favorite rabbit to go. They were willing to host the comic on their site and then, when enough readers were accumulated, they'd publish a collection of strips. I liked the collection being published, but I always thought it would be after a series of comic books were released first. Their unwillingness to do that, added to the character rights they were requesting, and the fact that I haven't heard back from them in 4 months pretty much ended my involvement with them. It didn't work out for me, but I wish the rest of the lineup well. It looks like Brink's spot was filled, without them notifying me, anyway. Nice.

As that botched relationship was fizzling out I started work on Brinkerhoff's first comic, determined to make the series of comic books I wanted to make in the first place. I took it to the Emerald City Comic Con and had a great time with it. I planned on selling out those issues at the Con and later online at a print-on-demand store, then continuing with the online ordering as each new issue was ready. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but the feedback I got while I was in Seattle changed my mind. I found out I had some fans out there. I found out some of those fans are people I didn't expect-people who were successful in comics and knew what they were talking about. They helped me to realize that my original ideas of distribution would be counter-productive to real growth and success. I see now that if I want to make the effort worth my time, I can't play it out like a small-timer.

So Brinkerhoff is ready to take a big step. I'm sending Brinkerhoff's first comic to Diamond Distributors, and I'm doing it as an independent.

At the Con I had the good fortune to meet a lot of people. Two of them were Terry Moore and his wife, Robyn (who's the spitting image of Molly Shannon, incidentally). If you don't know who Terry Moore is, shame on you. What really resonated with me was when Robyn told me to "stay independent". She talked of all the trials and tribulations they'd gone through over the 13 years with his epic Strangers in Paradise comics. It made total sense as I was sitting and listening to her, but it was scary to think about at the same time until I looked around the room at the other cartoonists that were there. Many of them were living off of their creations, or at least making some good money from them. Aside from one guy in the corner, all of them shared the same common trait: they were independent. They had many different ways of attaining their success, but they did it their way.

Brinkerhoff needs to grow. It will whither and die without soil, water, and sunlight like so many before it. It can't just be content to hang out in its corner of the web with the same general slow-growth it's been doing for the last year-and-a-half. I like this comic and I want to make it go somewhere. Now I must make the effort. Syndication is a lost cause since Brinkerhoff would not make a good fit there (don't get me started) so I'm in the process of preparing a submission packet to Diamond. One of the places Brinkerhoff is supposed to be is in comic shops, not next to Peanuts reruns. I'm going to push as hard as I need to. When the title gets picked up, it'll start with issue 1. On the advice of some dealers I've talked to, the issue that's already been printed will then technically be an issue #0, even though it says 1, since stores won't want to start with issue #2. That'll add to the collectibility of that book, eh?

Stay tuned to this blog and I'll keep you updated on the progress. You'll also need to keep stopping by for the availability of the current book. I don't have a whole lot left, so they'll go pretty fast when they go.

Thanks for the support so far. If there's anything you can do to help, I'll let you know.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Seriously, now...

I've realized that if I want this blog to work, I just have to seriously sit down and do it. Writing doesn't happen without a writer, and I've been putting this thing off for too long. I've been busy, but that can be anyone's excuse, and I'm no fan of excuses.

Things are happening in my life that I can cover. For example:
My fiancé and I are working on replacing the windows in our house with shiny new vinyl ones. It's been quite the learning experience, especially when a storm window crashed across my left hand last weekend and left me with 10 stitches spread across two knuckles. "Flap laceration" has such a pretty ring to it, doesn't it? Every time I show the carnage wrapped in gauze it looks like I'm flipping the bird with a pinky. Is that verboten in the homosexual community? I wonder. No, I don't.

The most important lessons we're learning have to do with working together on these major projects. There's been disagreements. There's been frustration. As we're nearing the end of this particular phase, though, it's good to see that progress heals any of the superficial emotional wounds. It's microcosmic of the way our relationship has matured, in fact. The bumps we've faced have been smoothed-out when we realize we don't want to be mad at each other because we generally like one another. It's quite a novel concept when you consider where we came from in our lives before our union.

Reading between the lines, you probably also noticed that I'm engaged. I have been for a little while now. We're set to get married at the end May during a fun family trip to Cedar Point. She was worried wheather or not I should tell Brinkerhoff fans that I'll soon be married again, but I don't think it'll be an issue with you guys. She's a fan of the strip, and Brinkerhoff isn't changing any of his attitudes any time soon, so Brink will still be Brink, no matter what's going on with me behind the scenes. Soon he'll be less known for the rabbit that got a divorce and more for the fact that he's a cute little bunny that puts both birds in the air.

Neither will probably be accompanied by a pinky, though.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Waveday Shirts (and more) are now available!
Thanks to everyone who bought the early shirts to make these designs possible. There's a lot of cool stuff there now, so don't wait. Get there now.

Technical issues

If you've been to the website on Tuesday, April 3, and Wednesday, April 4, and wondered where the new strips are, I don't blame you. I'm hosted on a service called Comic Genesis which hosts the siet for free, as long as I keep their ad banner at the top of the page. The advantage is that the updater is all set up and automated so I can post strips in advance and it'll update it and maintain the archives without me having to worry about it. The disadvantage is that the system hiccups every once in a while and gets backed-up. I can't do anything from my end to get it to work correctly, but neither can anyone else that's hosted here, either. It sucks, especially since I just got back from the Emerald City Comicon and all the new friends and fans probably think I'm slacking. The truth is, I've never missed an update, and I'm not about to start now. Technical issues be dammed, here's the strips that are missing from the main site (Click to make 'em bigger):

Hopefully they'll get things fixed so I won't have to mirror more than these two.