Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Holidays

I don't really know what you celebrate out there, but I wanted to say have a merry or happy whatever it is you do. If you don't do something, that's cool. Sometimes it's nice to reflect on what you've got, though, and this is as good a time as any.

I'll be enjoying family and gifts and good times. As much as this year has brought us (marriage, kitchen remodel, lost job, new job), I'm even more excited about all the changes coming next year. This kid doesn't know what he/she's in for, and neither do we. I'm fortunate for what I've got and I know it. Everything in the future is just gravy.

Have a great holiday season, all. Thanks for reading.

Oh, yeah... don't forget to get your 2008 Brinkerhoff calender. The link is above. Think of your purchase like a birthday present for him as we celebrate the strip's 2nd anniversary on Wednesday, January 2nd. The terrible 2's inDEED!