Sunday, October 26, 2008

Balls We Can Believe In...

Finally, a candidate we can believe in, or at least one that's slightly less ridiculous than some of our current choices. Click on the poster and download your own big version for your cubicle, locker, dorm room, or jail cell.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Roundup! Miss me?

I feel like a dope for not updating this blog more often. I can blame a hundred things for the slight, but I won't. We're all busy. We've all got things going on. I still appreciate everybody that comes by and tells their friends to do the same. I guess I've just become so enamored with the quick hits that my Twitter allows me, that I just don't find the time to sit down and put my thoughts together.

I still feel like I should open up more about what's going on with me and Brinkerhoff and have that open communication with you readers. The only real excuse I have, I guess, is that I've just been lazy about it. I'll work on it.

So the cool new news is that I've got some new shirt designs in the shop. I've been batting these ideas around for a while and finally made time to create them. When I design these things, I design them for myself first. Would I wear them? Do I think they're cool? If my answer is 'yes', then they make it to the store. In fact a couple of the new ones are on their way to join past favorites in my dresser drawers. So, in essence, when you buy these shirts, you're wearing what I wear. And that's not creepy in the slightest.

On the comic front, Wednesday starts up some classroom fun inspired by the election season. Don't expect this storyline to be lame nods to current headlines, though. I didn't want to date the story that much, and there's way too much of that crap around, anyway. Timeless stories are the best ones to tell.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for some new blog posts. I've got some things I need to get off of my chest and this is as good a place as any to do it.
Take it easy. I'll talk to you soon. As always you can reach me at